Cwtch, pronounced coo-ch, literally means snuggling up or cuddling with a loved one, a safe place, or a cubbyhole. Hugge is the Danish word pronounced […]
Hawthorn Berries, wild harvest
Hawthorn Berries (Crataegus oxycanthoides) are found in hedgerows and can be harvested from September to October, depending on how warm the summer has been. Take […]
Darning Mushroom, Alternatives
Darning Mushroom, what you could use instead A darning mushroom is a traditional tool used to repair and maintain textiles and knitwear. Its domed shape […]
DIY or Buy reusable make-up pads
There are four ways Moving a bit closer to a minimum-waste lifestyle, Buy or DIY reusable cotton facial pads. They would also make great gifts […]
DIY or Buy Linen Bread Bag
Linen Bread Bags Did you know your bread keeps better in a 100% linen fabric bag? Better than if left in a plastic or paper […]
Why Laughter is Healthy
Laughter Laughter is an important activity in combating ageing. A happy person looks younger and is more active. Our general attitude to life will directly […]
Reduce Food Waste
Reducing our food waste at home is an important step we can all take to help protect the environment and reduce our impact on the […]
Gratitude Journal
Practising Practising with a gratitude journal has a profound effect; it can begin to change your life for the better. A journal can help us […]