Easter, a greener celebration

easter cwtch

Did you know you can buy Welsh chocolate eggs made in Wales by an independent maker? Look out for Gwynedd Confectioners. Located near the shore of Bala lake, making fine confectionery products for over 20 years. One of the UK’s Market leaders in chocolate gift design. They offer their customers one of the market’s most comprehensive and innovative selections. They cater for serious chocoholics to children’s chocolate treats. So next time you want something different, think of buying chocolate made in Wales.

Easter Egg Facts

Each Easter, 80 to 90 million eggs are eaten, producing around 8,000 tonnes of packaging waste! It would seem we are consuming record amounts of chocolate. Its predicted sales of eggs will increase, which means the inevitable increased packaging waste. Around £299 million is spent annually on chocolate eggs in the UK. This represents 8.8 for each child. The good news is companies producing chocolate eggs are reducing their packaging.

According to the website mummypages

Children will get, on average, five Easter eggs each over the Easter holidays. The survey of Mums shows that most are worried about the amount of sugar their sons and daughters will consume over the Bank Holiday; some chocolate eggs contain up to 60 teaspoons of sugar.
83% The number of mums who ration their child’s Easter Egg chocolate intake.
59% of mums regularly intercept or take away some of their child’s chocolate Easter Eggs without them knowing
63% of respondents think parents should be consulted before an adult gives their child a gift of a chocolate Easter Egg
Mum’s average Easter Egg spend is Up to £10 (28%), £11-20 (48%), £21-30 (14%), £30-40 (7%), £40-50 (3%). These figures don’t include all the gifted eggs from friends and relatives.

Greener Options

Consider giving your children fewer eggs for their health, reducing all that packaging, and saving money—gift books about Easter or Gift Vouchers instead of so many eggs.

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